Forgot your password ?


Enter the email address associated with your StadiumPrime athlete account.
We will send a link to this address allowing you to easily reset your password.

Please enter a valid email.
This email is not recognized. We invite you to check the spelling or to create an account.


We just sent you an email at:

This contains a link to reset your password.

Didn't receive an email?

Check the spelling of the address entered, or that the email is not in your spam folder.


The account has not been activated!

Attention, the creation of your account is not finished!
to be able to finalize your registration, you must first activate your account by clicking on the link in the email that was sent to you when you created your account.
remember to check your SPAMS.

You can also request that a new activation email be sent.


We just sent you an email at:

This contains a link to activate your Account

Didn't receive an email?

Check the spelling of the address entered, or that the email is not in your spam folder.